Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Raja Petra

SO weird things been happening in the Malaysian politics in past few days. As you all know that Raja Petra has been arrested and held for sedition charges. So there are many people saying that people are out to get him because of his political influences and further more he is anti BN. You may think and believe whatever you want. But it seems that BN is paranoid and this charge against him supports this fact. Clearly, Raja Petra wrote a very biased article about Najib and the Altantuya case. It seems odd that Najib did not make a police report or anything as such and Raja Petra is being charged with sedition.

Well whatever the reasons it seems that all his supporters have gathered around him and willing to fight along his side. But we must not forget one more possiblity that he wanted to be charged and jailed. This because now he will have credibility, because it shows that the "goverment" or whoever is affaird of him and his work. Personally I think this is all planned to give the BN goverment a bad image.

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