Thursday, May 8, 2008

Malaysia's Politics

Malaysia's politics is currently very unstable. There so many things going wrong and so many new developments are seen in the world of politics. To make things worse the 'rakyat' have to just sit and watch. There are very limited option for the rakyat to voice their concern and views towards the politics of Malaysia. Undoubtedly the most annoying thing is that he politicians are playing games of blaming each other for the result of the 12th general election. Rather than doing this they should do what is best according to the situation rather than blaming other people from their own party.

Well for now I am just going to sit and watch and see how this new government will run. Granted that it is still BN government but there are so many oppositions waiting to set their mark is this new world of Malaysian Politics.

I just pray and hope that the situation in Malaysia will remain calm and peaceful so that the rakyat can continue to survive and live in harmony.

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